In December 2021, WestBeth, Westbeth Artists Residents Council and the WestBeth Gallery celebrated Winter 2021 and the 50th Anniversary of Westbeth with a blockbuster show of over 100 artists.
The virtual video tour, featuring work by the artists in the exhibit, was produced and filmed by Mourrice Papi, Westbeth Visual Arts chair, with music by Madonna and Child by Alvin Curran, live at the West German Radio in Cologne. Recorded and included by Beth Griffith.
The Exhibit
Working within the parameters of self-quarantine and the unsettled times, the exhibit explores both implicitly and explicitly the eloquent response of visual artists’ through a range of artistic practices including painting, drawing, collage, sculpture, photography, mixed media, multi-media, textile art and installation. In a tradition of art questioning the status quo, artists explore issues of racism, identity and environmental degradation.
At WestBeth, the COVID-19 pandemic quieted our public art spaces & isolated resident artists. With the WestBeth Winter Show 21’, the Westbeth Gallery is fortified as a place of beauty and vitality, capturing the essence of artistic dialogue and inspiration at WestBeth.
The WestBeth Winter Show 21’ is testament to WestBeth’s achievements in supporting its vibrant community of artists & empowering artists with a connection to a local and global art community.
Featured Artists
Alison Armstrong
Olive Ayhens
Joan Banach
Karin Batten
Jonathan Bauch
Susan Berger
Roger Braimon
Werner Brause
Deborah Bitter
Robert Bunkin
Tony Candido
Bridget Carey
Simon Carr
Sandra Caplan
Karina Cavat
Ray Ciarrocchi
Steve Clorfeine
Jem Cohen
Carolyn Cross
Peter Colquhoun
Alison Cooke
Al Cooke
Judy Cuttler
Vinod Dave
Elisa Decker
Jon D’orazio
Julie Dubow
Judite Dos Santos
Edward Eichel
Gwen Fabricant
Inez Foose
Dennis Golden
Stacy Greene
Bob Gruen
Elizabeth Gregory Gruen
Ann Hamilton
Joan Hall
Stephen Hall
Jayne Holsinger
Rezendes J
Diana Jensen
Penny Jones
Annie Katzman
Susannah Kelly
William Kennon
Ana Garces Kiley
Gayle Kirschenbaum
Judy Lawne
Ralph Lee
Jan Leslie Harding
John L. Silver
Gerard Marcus
Emil Mare
Scott Marshall
Anthony Martino
Lauren Martino
Patricia Melvin
John Menegon
Christina Maile
Parviz Mohassel
Paul Muranyi
Ethan Mass
Mourrice Papi
Bosiljka Raditsa
Natalia Rudychev
Mary McKenna Ridge
Ruth Rioux
Ellen Rosen
Claire Rosenfeld
Cari Rosmarin
Margie Ruben
Karen Santry
Sheila Schwid
David Seccombe
Shelley Seccombe
Natalia Sharymova
Eric Sheehy
Charles Seplowin
Frances Siegel
Anthony Sorce
Jenny Tango
Jacqueline Taylor Basker
Ted Timreck
Rachel Urkowitz
Carolyn Virgil
Ken Wade
John Whittaker
Jean Wolff
Tamara Wyndham
The Westbeth Winter Show 2021
Designed by Westbeth Artists Residents Council, Visual Arts Chair Mourrice Papi & the WestBeth Community
Madonna and Child by Alvin Curran, live at the West German Radio in Cologne. Recorded and included by Beth Griffith
Thank You
Westbeth Artists Residents Council
Ellen Salpeter WestBeth CEO
Roy Rub @Topos Graphics
Original Dates of Show
November 20 – December 17, 2021
Opening Reception: Nov 20, 2021 4pm – 7pm