Christina Maile — Visual artist, writer

I have been a feminist artist for over 20 years, exploring social, political and environmental issues. I was the co-founder of the Westbeth Playwrights Feminist Collective, a pioneering women-run theater whose archives of plays and photographs are now in the collection of the New York Historical Society.

The body as both object and subject is central to the imagery of my paintings, printmaking and sculpture. In my feminist art practice, the relationship between actual experience and narrative is complex and always in flux.

Underpinning it all is Borneo and Trinidad - the islands which under colonial rule instilled in my family its disposition to rebellion, spirituality , and intrigue.

Currently, reflecting my training as a landscape architect, I am creating series of paintings and prints dealing with gender and landscape.


Stories: Stories that won the 2021 Chaikin Writing Award

Westbeth Playwrights Feminist Collective: Wikipedia
