George Floyd is My Brother
Voices of Westbeth

This project is a response for Solidarity voiced by the Reverend Al Sharpton during Co-vid19 Quarantine. Conceived by Eve Zanni with the 1800’s Spiritual Ain’t gonna let nobody turn me around that became a Civil Rights freedom anthem in the 1960’s. Eve says…” i marched with my family in Berkeley in 1968…will keep on marching until America keeps her promise of Justice for All”
All video/audio recorded on cell phones.

Voices of Westbeth: George Floyd is My Brother


Composed /Arranged by Eve Zanni with the Civil Rights song “Ain’t gonna let nobody turn me around.”

Media editor: Mourrice Papi

Videographers: Louie Colon, Faten Gaddes, Christina Maile, Halina Warren, Ben Swanton

Audio Engineer: Melika Dave

George Floyd is my Brother Singers: Bobby Harden, Louie Colon, Sean Francis Zanni, Ayana Lowe, Val Hawk, Adam Kalesperis, Joe Quintero, Yonah Gershator, Paul Collins, Melika Dave, Lou Brotman, Nelson Riveros, Sue Maskaleris, Barry Temkin, Diane Temkin

Masked Singers: Eve Zanni, Casimai Khoi, Beth Soll, Pele Bauch, Annie Katzman, Beth Griffith