Westside Exposure: Whitney Staff Art Show 2017
From its origins in Greenwich Village in 1914 to its relocation to the Meatpacking District in 2015, the Whitney Museum of American Art has remained devoted to living artists at critical moments in their careers. Many of the Museum’s staff members, who provide crucial support to the development, implementation, and management of exhibitions, programs, and publications, are artists themselves. For the second time in its history, the Whitney’s Staff Art Show will be held in a public space, offering staff an opportunity to share their work with a broad audience and deepen connections with the Westside community. This exhibition will include over 70 works in a wide range of mediums, including painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, printmaking, collage, and video, reflecting the diversity of artistic practice among the Whitney’s talented staff.
Opening Reception Video
Video credit:
Website: http://nycgalleryopenings.com
Curators: Michelle Donnelly and Melinda Lang
Opening Reception: June 22, 6–8PM
Exhibition Dates: June 23 – July 13
Gallery Hours: Wednesdays – Sundays, 1–6PM
Panel Discussion: July 13 (closing date), 6:30PM
Jehad Abu Hamda
Karly Anderson
David Armacost
James Bartolacci
Phoebe Berglund
Jeff Bergstrom
Caitlin Bermingham
Teo Blake
Richard Bloes
Marissa Bluestone
Ali Bono
Holly Brennan
Tom Burckhardt
Lydia Cardenas
Natalee Cayton
Jaqueline Cedar
Heather Cox
James Cullinane
Luis DeAndre
Sarah Dinkelacker
Sam Dollenmayer
John Donovan
Kasim Earl
Reid Farrington
Kyle Freeman
Jesse Gelaznik
Manuela Gonzalez
Sophie Grant
Dina Helal
Leslie Hodge
Chris Ketchie
Yon Mi Kim
Morgan King
Elizabeth Knowlton
Queena Ko
Pamela Koehler
Franky Kong
Tom Kotik
Christopher Lesnewski
Ali Lewis
Kelley Loftus
Rob Lomblad
Deborah Lutz
Doug Madill
David Miller
Lorryn Moore
Brancey Mora
Victor Moscoso
Anthony Naimoli
Vishal Narang
Shóna Neary
Katy Newton
William Norton
Natalie Ochoa
Rose O’Neill-Suspitsyna
Anibal Padrino
Laura Pfeffer
Jason Phillips
Eliza Proctor
Greg Reynolds
Kristin Roeder
Justin Romeo
Joshua Rosenblatt
Dyeemah Simmons
Mark Steigelman
Greg Stone
Paula Stuttman
Eric Vermilion
Butcher Walsh
Jenyu Wang
Nathaniel Whitfield
George Wisegarver
Alex Zak
Nicolette Zorn