Thursday AM Nov 1st

This posting on the Westbeth Corporate FB page:

“We hope to have a few generators in place today that will allow us to light the basement and run a few heaters in the Community Room. We continue to advise people that can to find alternative accommodation while the electricity is out; there will be no heat for several days, perhaps longer, and we don’t know when we’ll even have running water.”

So, the recommendation from management is that you should seek other accommodations now if you can. If you relocate, please let the security guards know. If you let me know I will alert them as well. If you know some is definitely staying (many because they cannot go down the stairs) let me know so I can alert management as well. If you have a relative that you think should be taken to a shelter, call the Red Cross or one of these numbers that Cinitha sent me from the Governors’web site: If you need disaster assistance immediately, contact FEMA at 1-800-621-3362 or the NYS Hurricane Sandy Helpline at 1-888-769-7243.

I hear nothing but praise about our staff who have been assisting residents but their resources are limited with no services available. Thank you to all of our Westbeth heroes.