Jonathan Bauch, Sculptor

Resident at Westbeth since 1970

Damage Control: The Days Hurricane Sandy Challenged Westbeth

I spent the evening before Hurricane Sandy graced us with her mighty presence by moving as much of my sculpture equipment and as many finished pieces from my studio in the basement as I could into my sixth-floor apartment.

On the morning of October 29, 2012, the sheets of rain and blowing winds felt horrific! The mass of huge white caps stretched as far as the eye could see. The mighty Hudson River was overflowing its banks, and its waters were washing into the Westbeth building. The basement was flooded with eight feet of old man river’s water, including the Sculpture Studio, which was placed off-limits to the sculptors’ use, shortly after the Hudson was pumped out. Having lost the studio and not knowing whether the sculptors would ever get it back, I searched for another studio space so that I could finish the work for my show, which was to open in May 2013.