Valerie Ghent
New Single
La Table Qui Etait Seule

“Born in the atmosphere of the first confinement, in 2020, La Table Qui Était Seule is addressed to a distant friend, in New York City, who perhaps dreams of Paris. In fact the lyrics were written by my dear friend and acclaimed author Christophe Fourvel who wrote to me during lockdown. I put his words to music and we went on to record while the pandemic was keeping us all isolated. The song kept me connected to France and the French language during lockdown in NYC.” – Valerie Ghent

Review by Randy Radic
Sept 24, 2021

“Suffused by surfaces of classical music and jazz, “La Table Qui Était Seule” blends retro aromas with contemporary jazz hues, forming a luscious song highlighted by the bravura voice of Valerie Ghent.”
Read the full review HERE

Spotify Link
Valerie Ghent

More information on Valerie’s Website:
Valerie Ghent La Table Qui Etait Seul


Valerie Ghent’s song “New York City Streets” is featured in NYC Next, as an example of Inspiration from inspired New Yorkers.

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