Susan Berger Artist in Residence.
Susan Berger has been accepted as artist-in-residence program at the Joan Mitchell Foundation Center. It is for the spring 2016. It runs from April 11 to May 6th, 2016. She will be working on a special project –a fiber piece. The Center is located on 2275 Bayou Road, New Orleans, LA 70119. Tel# 504-940-2500.
The Joan Mitchell Center’s Artist-in-Residence programming offers artists- from emerging to established, national and local – the time and space to create work, and the opportunity to engage with a community of artists i residency at the center, as well as with the vibrant arts community of New Orleans.” (from the website)
Susan Berger’s new installation “Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and How it Changed Everything?”
The exhibit is called: “Threads: a sampling of fiber art” at the Annmarie Sculpture Garden and Arts Center, an affiliate of the Smithsonian, at 13480 Dowell Road, Dowell(Solomon), MD 20629.
The exhibition is in the Mezzanine Gallery and runs from March 18 to July 24, 2016. Hours are daily from 10Am to 5PM.
website: www.
Installation work: “Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and how it changed everything?” (30,000 women who marched before),”
Mixed Media: Fiber, rug-hooking , weave stitching , etc.
Received Puffin Foundation for the execution of the piece
90″(h) middle and 20′ width