Sandra Caplan at Kinescope Gallery April 6 – May 11, 2019

Kinescope Gallery in collaboration with Fillmore Projects is pleased to present Metaphorical Transitions: Lost and Found in the Still Life, an exhibition of charcoal drawings by Sandra Caplan. Opening reception, April 6 from 5–7pm.

This everyday substance, which has no beauty on its own, aided my researches into chiaroscuro and the invisible … I must say, however, that charcoal does not allow kindness, it is sober and only with real emotion can you draw results from it.
Odilon Redon

Working in situ in Le Marche, Italy, as well as recreating scenes after the fact back in NYC, Sandra Caplan composes rich, loaded landscapes in charcoal from the still life. Patterned fabrics, ribbons, and the edges of fallen magnolia leaves are among the many objects that become moving lines, which insinuate themselves into the drawings as lost and found unifying parts. Her subtle use of negative space encourages this movement and recalls earlier work where Caplan used fabric ribbons (also on view) as device in a more minimal context. Now those ribbons can be found in her dense, charcoal drawings, along with the white pastel lines that enrich the various tonalities.

The architecture of Le Marche occupies background space in many of these works. The enduring and hard-edged structures provide a counterpoint to the fragile lifespan of the organic forms, which consume the page. Space and light are explored through the density of forms in her drawings. In Caplan’s hands Redon’s assertion that “black is the most essential color” rings true — using charcoal she captures not only the beauty inherent in the individual objects but also the spirit and intensity of her materials.
Sandra Caplan has shown her work in New York City at: Cast Iron Gallery, First Street Gallery, The Prince Street Gallery, The Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Westbeth Gallery, Fordham University, and the World Financial Center. Her work has also been shown at Boston University Gallery, the Winnipeg Art Gallery, the Glenbow Alberta Art Institute, and the Palazzina Azzura, among other international locales. Awards and residencies include: The Canada Arts Council, The MacDowell Colony, and the Yale Norfolk Summer Program. She has taught at MoMA, The Brooklyn Museum, The School of the National Academy of Design, and other prestigious institutions. Her work is housed in private and corporate collections worldwide. Caplan earned MFAs from both Boston University and Yale University. She lives and works in New York City and Italy.

The exhibition is viewable from the sidewalk daily noon to 9pm from April 6 through May 11, 2019 or by appointment.

Metaphorical Transitions: Lost and Found in the Still Life has been curated by Fillmore Projects for Kinescope Gallery.

For press inquiries and for appointments please contact

Kinescope Gallery 616 East 9th Street NY NY 10009