One Planet One Future is artist Anne de Carbuccias ongoing project using photography, videos, and conferences to create images of cultural and spiritual relevance that powerfully depict what we have and what we may lose. Climate change is decimating the habitats of Earth’s most beautiful and majestic creatures. The time to act is now. One Planet One Future aims to document the Earth’s beauty and frailty, and inspire sustainable behaviors and habitats.
Anne de Carbuccia’s photographs are taken on location and are both an homage to their subjects—water, disappearing environments, endangered species and cultures—and a hard examination of the often ruinous effects of pollution and war. They record what is fast disappearing for future generations while serving as a plea to reimagine a new world.
Further Information:
Halina Warren, Gallery Office Manager
James Addison Gallery Manager at
One Planet One Future’s permanent exhibition in the West Village of Manhattan is open to the public for free guided visits Tuesday – Saturday, 11 am – 6 pm.
ONE Art Space
461 West Street
between Bank and Bethune Sts
NY, NY 10014
or enter at Westbeth Courtyard at 155 Bank Street between Washington and West Streets.