Exhibition Dates: January 27 – March 7, 2022
Masks required and social distancing with be observed and enforced.
NYC Culture Club:
New York City Culture Club
NYC CC is located within Oculus, World Trade Center, New York City.
Curated by Laziza Rakhimova and Chris Costan
Participating artists:
Kim Abeles, Olive Ayhens, Elena Berriolo,
Chris Costan, Valerie Hegarty, Betsy Kenyon, Oskar Landi, Christopher Lin, Lenore Malen, Laziza Rakhimova, Tattfoo Tan and Marion Wilson.
Statement by Chris Costan
Compelled to act in accordance with concerns about planetary distress, each of these artists has expressed commentary or philosophies in the form of artmaking.
The artists incorporate concerns such as climate change, social justice, health and well-being, extinctions of flora and fauna and habitat loss, Some take a turn at the spiritual. All demonstrate the urgent need to live more responsibly given the Earth’s finite resources.
In Silent Spring, published in l962, Rachel Carson says “in nature, nothing exists alone.” Carson’s premise is that the actions of human
beings have had a profound impact on the natural world. All things in nature are interconnected and impacting just one part of the natural world will create numerous unintended consequences throughout the ecosystem.
The fragility of the natural world is on all our minds. Daily we hear of distress and destruction. Crucial decisions need to be made in the hopes of preventing the environmental crises from destroying
the planet as we know it. This exhibition and interactive event express the varying ways in which concerned artists are experiencing the earth in its currently critical state.
Creating art about these conditions is not new. Artists, writers and scientists have been addressing these challenges for decades. The movement continues to grow given the condition of the natural world and the omnipresence of climate destruction.
While we hope for a livable future, this show serves as a reminder: we must work together to reinforce an awareness that all life on earth is interconnected.
The exhibition is located at the World Trade Center complex in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City, scene of violent occurrences in years past. And today it is indeed ironic that the World Trade Center complex exists in a flood zone from West Street inland to Church Street. In a note of hopefulness, the soaring, white transportation hub (the Oculus) at the World Trade Center was designed (by Santiago Calatrava) to evoke a bird in flight a symbolic, uplifting structure to replace the destroyed Port Authority Trans-Hudson (Path) rail station.
This show is an introduction to a forthcoming expanded version of
“In Nature, Nothing Exists Alone,” which will take place in the United Nations Lobby, scheduled for later in 2022.
Exhibition Dates: January 27, March 7, 2022
NYC Culture Club:
Information: https://www.nyccultureclub.com/about
Press Inquiries please contact NewYorkCityCultureClub@gmail.com