Westbeth Update

Tuesday AM November 13, 2012


As of 9:15am this moring, one elevator has returned to service to H section. Barring unforseen mechanical problem, there may be steady but still slow progress to return of service on other elevators


-Approximately 65 apartments in the A and C sections will be temporarily without power today between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM. The effected apartments received a notice from management last evening about this service interruption. It is hoped that this is the final phase of the electrical repair.


-Today at 1 PM, staff from Speaker Quinn and Congressman Nadler’s offices will be in the Community Room to help you with your FEMA registration. You can also do it on line and by phone and those instructions on how you can do it at home will be in the CR as well. All are welcome but this service is especially for those without computer or phone access.


-I am reposting all of Val Ghent’s info on Verizon. Be sure to call to get the credit to your bill because of lack of service. FYI, the latest from Verizon is that they may get it done by Nov 25th.
“7 Nov 2012 Verizon update: our phone is completely out so called Verizon. They said some Westbeth phone lines are on a cable which needs complete replacing – Verizon said may not be until Dec 2nd. of course they are ‘working on it now’ and ‘hope to have it fixed sooner’. If your phone is out call Verizon at 1 800 837 4966 press #3 for billing office to discuss. I got them to issue credit from 10/30-now.”


We cannot overemphasize the importance that all damaged work from the basement needs to go into the protected areas of the courtyard or to another location so that they can be cleaned and dried. NO item should go from the basement directly to your apartment. You are not only jeopardizing your health but also the health of your neighbors.


We are still seeking to rent large pods or a 20 foot container for the storage of damaged art on site here at Westbeth. Any leads would be appreciated.

We are proceeding with the Westbeth Thanksgiving Dinner next week. Details will be distributed throughout the building later today.