2024 Westbeth Gallery Calendar

The Gallery is pleased to announce the 2024 exhibitions.

Featured Artists: Gail Biederman, Lily de Bont, Kevin Finklea, Daniel G. Hill, Kathleen Kucka, Steven Millar, Gelah Penn, David Rhodes, Mary Schiliro, Howard Schwartzberg, Jan Maarten Voskuil
The exhibition re-contextualizes the traditional mediums of painting and sculpture, as each artist explores the dynamic interplay of contrasting transformations.

Recent paintings by abstract artist Dana Gordon (2019-2023).
“Matches painterly intuition with a philosophical awareness…. Gordon is one of those creative originals”
-James Panero

  • March 6 – March 23, 2024
  • Opening Reception Wed March 6, 2024  6pm – 8pm
  • Curated by Susan Salinger & Kathy Brew

Featured Artists: Kathy Brew, Kabuya Pamela Bowens-Saffo, Yoshiko Chuma, Martha Edelheit, Michelle Handelman, Julia Heyward, Jennifer Jazz, Pamela Lawton, Stefani Mar, Aline Mare, Lucia Minervini, Helen Oji, Janet Panetta, Melinda Ring, Felice Rosser, Lynne Sachs, Susan Salinger, MM Serra, Rebecca Shapass, Pamela Sneed, Claire Watson, Lila Zemborain
The29.art is a collective of over 30 painters, sculptors, dancers, filmmakers, writers, poets, performance artists, directors, and critics.
Performances by Yoshiko Chuma, Melinda Ring, and Felice Rosser, readings by Pamela Sneed and Lila Zemborain, plus artists’ talks will happen during the group show.

Click to enlarge

Featured Artists: Elisabeth Condon, Susan Luss, Alyse Rosner (Westbeth)
Three artists immerse themselves in scale, paralleling the landscapes that inspire them. Their formats of unstretched canvas or paper are too large to take in at once, introducing time as an active element in the work. In the tradition of American modernism from abstraction to jazz, they use improvisational working methods to access direct experience. Whether pouring, dying, or staining paint, inscribing calligraphic marks with chalk, ink, or charcoal rubbings, they re-animate landscape from inside out, infusing it with ecstatic multiplicity.

Featured Artists:
Elaine G. Weitzen Studio Program Fellows (2023–24):

    • S. Emsaki, Kimi Hanauer, Sadé Powell, Albert Samreth, Shobun Baile, Mae Howard, Alison Nguyen, Elliot Reed, Omolola Ajao, José de Sancristóbal Higareda, Daniel Ramos, Tarah Douglas, Kearra Gopee, Emily Velez Nelms, Jennifer Teresa Villanueva

Helena Rubinstein Critical Studies Program Fellows (202324): Alex Fialho, Sarah Richter, Blake Oetting, Geelia Ronkina, Anamaría Garzón Mantilla, Olivia McCall

Helena Rubinstein Curatorial Program Fellows  (2023–24): Ella den Elzen, Alper Turan, Gervais Marsh, Carlota Ortiz Monasterio

Two group shows, presenting our newly moved in neighbor, the Whitney Independent Study Program (ISP) studio and curatorial practices. The ISP consists of three interrelated parts: Studio Program, Critical Studies Program, and Curatorial Program. The ISP provides a setting within which students pursuing art practice, curatorial work, art historical scholarship, and critical writing engage in ongoing discussions and debates that examine the historical, social, and intellectual conditions of artistic production. The program encourages the theoretical and critical study of the practices, institutions, and discourses that constitute the field of culture. 

        • June 1  – June 24, 2024
          SYNONYMMS RUTGERS UNIVERSITY MFA EXHIBIT  Group show featuring Rutgers’ MFA student’s work.Group show featuring Rutgers’ MFA student’s work.Artist Reception and Opening: June 1st, 2024

Featured Artists: A group exhibition featuring works by Sandra SK Amoabeng, Ang Bidak, Alfred Dudley III, Em Gallagher,  Andrew Kennedy, Kabi Raj Lama, Maisie Luo, Justin Nalley,  Nick Newlin, Adi Blaustein Rejtö, Maura Torres, Anton Varga. Artists are graduates of the 2024 MFA program in Visual Arts from Rutgers University, Mason Gross School of the Arts. 

The artists in this exhibition, as well as those who organized it, are part of a half-century of Art & Design graduate education at Rutgers University prioritizing experimentation across artistic media and disciplines.

    • June 28 – July 17, 2024
       STAFF ONLY This recurring annual group show presents the Whitney museum’s staff selection of artworks.
    •  Opening: Friday June 28, 2024 6:30pm – 8:30pm NOT OPEN TO PUBLIC
    • OPENING RECEPTION FOR PUBLIC Wednesday July 10, 2024 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Featured Artists: TBD

From its origins in Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney’s Greenwich Village studio, in 1914, to its relocation to the Meatpacking District in 2015, the Whitney Museum of American Art has always sought to support living artists at critical moments in their careers. Many of the Museum’s staff members, who make the Museum’s exhibitions, programs, publications, and day-to-day operations possible, are artists themselves. For the seventh time in its history, the Whitney’s Staff Art Show will be held in a public space, offering staff an opportunity to share their work and deepen connections with one another as well as a wider audience.

Featured Artists: TBD

Celebrating a 10 year long collaboration, highlighting works from artists in residency programs at ESKFF over the years.

The Eileen S. Kaminsky Family Foundation (ESKFF) was founded in 2009 by its namesake who became inspired through her personal experience as a collector and entrepreneur. The Foundation was established to encourage collaboration and dialogue between artists, art administrators, collectors and art institutions. 

    • August 28 – September 15, 2024

      Co-curators Connie Lee, Karen Fitzgerald, Alison Cuomo (Outside of Westbeth)
      Artist Reception and Opening: Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 5pm-8pm

    Featured Artists: Heather Cox, Salem Kreiger, Roberta Fineberg, Jose Soto, Jacqueline Rada, Jacqueline Herranz Brooks, Michael Wolf, Mel Smothers, Jorge Luis Rodriguez, Karin Bruckner, Susan Luss, Carol Paik, Pauline Galiana, Hollie Heller, Mija Jung, Alison Causer, Emily Stedman, Gale Rothstein, Yael Dresdner, Cheryl Aden, Rima Grad, Ellen Weider, Susan Stair, Elan Cadiz, Carol Bouyoucos, Eileen Hoffman, Yvonne Lamar Rogers, Capucine Bourcart
    Art Lives Here: Westbeth, is an exhibition featuring the collaborating artist members of Art Lives Here, Inc. curated by founder and chief curator Connie Lee. The show will present medium to large scale paintings, fiber art and mixed media artworks. Art Lives Here is known for nurturing and thriving arts community and providing access to art for a broad constituency. We will host a performance by artist Susan Luss, a weekly fiber art workshop, artist talks and our signature Third Thursday event which brings together artists, arts professionals and collectors once a month since October 2021.

              • September 27 – October 16, 2024
                UP CLOSE FROM AFAR
                Curated by Valérie Hallier
                Artist Reception and Opening: Friday, September 27th, 6-8PM (TBC)

    Featured Artists:Khaila Batts, Nell Breyer, Alex W. Rader, Sandra Cavanagh, Honglei_Li, Allan Gorman, Pauline Galiana, Kelly Boehmer, Teena Soni, Rina Dweck,,Marie Chloé Duval

    The group exhibition explores eclectic artistic perspectives on our contemporary moment in the West. Through an array of mediums such as painting, sculpture and installation, artists from Asia, Europe and from within the United States, offer detailed views from their multicultural perspectives on contemporary existentialism.

Featured Artists (Partial list): Featured Artists (Partial list): Carl Heyward, Akiko Suzuki, Macha Melanie, Nancy Hom, Celine Ka, Sian Price Monica Lisi, Teri Dryden, Elise Marshall, Isabel Ruiz Perdiguero, Mikel Frank, Carol Heft Diego Rios, Sandee Johnson, Leslie Alcott, David Jenowe, Brian Auerbach Bea Last, Diane Williams, Lena Bartua Herbert Siguenza, Alvaro Sanchez, Madeleine Wories Glen Rogers, Massimo Nota, Mia Chambers, Helene Ofwestrom, Naomi Middelmann, Emmanuel C Montoya, Phoenix Savage, Ana Gabino, Nirmal Raja…

GLOBAL ART PROJECT (GAP) a collaborative collective of 80 working artists in 18 countries since 2013 presents painting, collage, sculpture, fiberworks, photography, movement, film-video, audio. Originally developed by artist / curators Ron Weijers (10dence Gallery The Netherlands) and Carl Heyward (GAP) who developed the initial CrossingBorders exhibitions in Belgium at Campo-Santo in Ghent (2019) then the Jennifer Perlmutter Gallery in the SF Bay Area, (2020) CrossingBorders has evolved as world conditions have intensified into WE ARE ALL IMMIGRANTS (Palazzo Turrisi- Palumbo , Lecce, Italy May 2023) reflecting the tensions and backlash as well as the compassion and support evidenced in the rise of severe immigration laws that limit movement and inclusion and has resulted in the loss of hundreds of lives at sea as well as solidarity and pointed acts of defiance as much of the globe moves toward more restrictive zenophobic nationalistic policies.

          • November 19. – December 28, 2024
            WESTBETH WINTER SHOW 2024
            Artist Reception and Opening: TBD
            Featured Artists: TBDThe annual group show celebrates all of Westbeth’s visual artists, presenting in one show around 90 different practices through one artwork.Note: Calendar dates generally indicate when an exhibitor takes over the Gallery, and includes installation, run of the show, and de-installation. Check the Westbeth Home Page publicity for the date of the opening reception and exact exhibition dates, whenever they are posted.