World Traveler / Shelter at Home Painting Project at the Susquehanna Art Museum in Harrisburg, PA from April 15th to June 19th.
“Artist Diana Jensen took inspiration from an anonymous assortment of vernacular photos for the paintings found in World Traveler / Shelter at Home. After contracting COVID-19 in the spring of 2020, a friend gave the artist a boxes of vintage travel slides found at an Asbury Park thrift store. Jensen used this feverish time of social isolation to immerse herself into the travels of a stranger.”
Director of Exhibitions, Lauren Nye
Currently based in NYC, Diana Jensen creates paintings and installations that reference found vernacular photographs from the 1960s to the present day. Her art-making documents both the emotional connection and cultural impact of photo collecting.
Jensen’s recent solo exhibition, A Decade in Dumbo: 4 Installations, was featured at ChaShaMa, 1 Brooklyn Bridge Park. Her work has been exhibited nationally at venues including The Visual Arts Center of New Jersey, Safe-T-Gallery in Brooklyn, White Columns in NYC, Bucheon Gallery in San Francisco, Artemisia Gallery in Chicago, The Newark Museum, and The Islip Art Museum.
More about the show Susquehanna Art Museum