A group show by the American Society of Contemporary Artists.
Opening Reception Saturday February 28 2:00PM – 4:30PM
The American Society of Contemporary Artists (ASCA), a 98 year old
organization of nationwide exhibiting artists, proudly announces its
“Creative Epiphanies” exhibition, at the Westbeth Gallery, 55 Bethune
Street,N.Y., N.Y., from February 28-March 15, 2015. The exhibition will
include paintings, sculptures, collages, mixed media, and photography. All
artists are renown, have been in major exhibitions, have won innumerable
awards, and are in many public and private collections. Opening reception
is from 2-4:30 on February 28, 2015.
Joseph Michael Amabile
Ricardo Arango
Georgiana Cray Bart
Marcia Bernstein
Linda Butti
Lisa Collado
Eleanor Comins
Jeremy Comins
Edward Davin
Maria De Echvarria
Elvira Dimitri
Harriet FeBland
Sondra Gold
Gladys Hanft
Sachie Hayashi
Helen Henry
Esther Ibisch
Richard Karp
Fumiko Kashiwagi Kitada
Olga Kitt
Olivia Koopalethes
Leanne Martinson
Margo Mead
Judith Meyerowitz
Sally Pitt
Dario Puccini
Alan Roland
Barbara Browner Schiller
Raymond Shanfeld
Isabel Shaw
Mara Szalajda
Amie Ilva Tatem
Gabe Turow
Miriam Wills
Doris Wyman