Category Archives: Past News

Dieu-Nalio Chèry: Artist- at- Risk at Westbeth

Photo: Katherine Marks NY Times
Home Page Photo : Katherine Marks NY Times

By D.W. Gibson
April 11, 2022
New York Times

Dieu-Nalio Chéry never thought he would leave Haiti, much less that his journey would take him to a high-rise apartment building a block from the Hudson River.

He grew up in the countryside and moved to the big city, Port-au-Prince, where he taught himself photography and became a photojournalist. He joined The Associated Press in 2010 and documented the aftermath of the earthquake that destroyed so much of his country that year. Over the next decade, he would win several international awards, covering more tumult across the country — evictions, hurricanes, another major earthquake and mounting political unrest. “I saw the rise of violence,” Mr. Chéry said. “There’s no respect for human life.”

While kidnappings of journalists mounted, friends warned him about the increasing dangers of his work, but Mr. Chéry remained stubborn about not leaving: “I kept saying, ‘I can face all these things. It’s normal for me as a journalist.’”

..But there was still the matter of finding a place to live. Mr. Chéry contacted every organization he thought might be willing to help. That’s when the New York City Artist Safe Haven Residency Program stepped in. Founded in 2017, the program is a coalition of several arts and free expression advocacy organizations that work to house, integrate and nurture visual artists, musicians, writers and other artists who are at risk because of their work.

..The coalition includes Westbeth Artist Housing, which has so far set aside four apartments for individuals like Mr. Chéry. “The housing,” Ms. Tucker said, “that’s the linchpin for this program.”

..Everyone I meet in Westbeth tells me, you’re so lucky,” he said. “There are so many people waiting for this building. And it’s true — I am lucky. This is a fantastic, wonderful place.”
His says his neighbors have welcomed him warmly. “We even found a grandma for my kids,” he said. “She loves them.”

..Halina Warren has not only become a grandmother figure to Sara-Jah and Ruthnise, but when winter came, she found coats for the family — and she takes them on Costco runs in her car. “She does every little thing for us,” Mr. Chéry said. “I could never have imagined finding someone who really does care about us like this.”

Read entire NY Times article HERE

More information about Westbeth’s Artists-at-Risk Residency Program HERE

Halina Warren is a long-time volunteer with the Westbeth Beautification Committee.

Select Work 1960’s – Present

January 3 – January 31, 2022
Chase Bank
302 West 12th Str at 8th Avenue
New York, NY 10014

An extensive retrospective of Ken Wade’s work ranging from photos, paintings, drawings and reliefs.

Ken Wade began painting in 1963 while living in the Tasmanian bush country. In Melbourne he had 2 one-person shows before moving to London for a year. Returning to the United States, Wade associated with the Washington Color School and in 1968 exhibited a series of large geometric shaped canvas’s at the Corcoran Museum in Washington DC.

In New York City his work has been shown at: Artist Space, OK Harris, Julian Preto, The Willard Gallery, AIR, and The Westbeth Gallery.

Valerie Ghent
New Single
La Table Qui Etait Seule

“Born in the atmosphere of the first confinement, in 2020, La Table Qui Était Seule is addressed to a distant friend, in New York City, who perhaps dreams of Paris. In fact the lyrics were written by my dear friend and acclaimed author Christophe Fourvel who wrote to me during lockdown. I put his words to music and we went on to record while the pandemic was keeping us all isolated. The song kept me connected to France and the French language during lockdown in NYC.” – Valerie Ghent

Review by Randy Radic
Sept 24, 2021

“Suffused by surfaces of classical music and jazz, “La Table Qui Était Seule” blends retro aromas with contemporary jazz hues, forming a luscious song highlighted by the bravura voice of Valerie Ghent.”
Read the full review HERE

Spotify Link
Valerie Ghent

More information on Valerie’s Website:
Valerie Ghent La Table Qui Etait Seul


Valerie Ghent’s song “New York City Streets” is featured in NYC Next, as an example of Inspiration from inspired New Yorkers.

Watch Here

WESTFEST 2022 Call for Submissions

WestFest 2022 Dance Festival

Calling for submissions to participate in WestFest 2022!
This coming year’s festival will incorporate theater setting and the site-specific location treasures of Westbeth Artists’ Facility, iconic in its history and traditions.

​The panel of judges will be looking for a diverse group of emerging & mid-career dance artists with a strong vision and high-performance quality. This year’s curation panel will include guest judges Deborah Lohse and Jamal Jackson.

Apply now at

The opportunity to show new or previous work in an outdoor theater or site-specific setting.
Free production costs
20 min tech rehearsal slot
Publicity and digital marketing materials for the event
Professional captured and edited photos
Video of performance at a discounted rate

Early Bird Special Application fee: $30
Submit by December 31st at 11:59PM
Regular Application Fee: $40
Submit by January 10th at 11:59PM.
Finalists Announced Wednesday, January 20th

Sat Feb 22nd, 1-4PM
Sat Mar 14th, 1-4PM
Sat April 4th, 1-4PM​

April 23rd – 24th: 20 minutes assigned from 1-4PM

April 30th – May 1st: Live performances scheduled from 1-4PM

If selected, the festival will be allowed to use the info and materials submitted in the artist’s application for promotional purposes.
Selected pieces will be between 4-6 minutes.
All artists participating in the festival must be fully vaccinated by tech week.

Email us at

Contact: Lauren Hafner Addison

At Westbeth:
WestFest website: