Due to the current public health crisis and social distancing rules, donors MUST MAKE AN APPOINTMENT (walk-ins only if room capacity and appointment scheduling permits.)
TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT: click on link https://donate.nybc.org/donor/schedules/drive_schedule/300576
or, Use your cellphone’s camera to hover on the QR Code and enter Sponsor number 71021
or call 800-688-0900
Don’t forget to bring photo ID or NYBC donor card. Face covering is required before entering the blood drive. Eat well and drink plenty of fluids before donating.
All registered donors at the Blood Drive will be automatically entered into New York Blood Centers’ August Sweepstakes town a Mirror Home Gym with 1 Year Subscription.
For those that are ineligible to donate please understand you can be supportive by asking others to donate for you. The Need is Constant in All Communities and Every Donation Can Save Three Lives!
West Village Community Blood Drive at Westbeth Sponsored by The Westbeth Artists Residents Council
Do not donate if you have:
a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19 (cough, shortness of breath,
or difficulty breathing)
had close contact with someone diagnosed with or suspected of
having COVID-19 in the last 14 days
been diagnosed with or suspected of having COVID-19 until 14 days
after your illness has resolved
NOTE: close contact is defined by CDC as being within 6 feet of an
infected individual for a prolonged period of time
To learn more about the importance of donating during this time and to answer your questions regarding COVID-19, please visit www.nybc.org/coronavirus.
About New York Blood Center: Founded in 1964, New York Blood Center (NYBC) is a nonprofit organization
that is one of the largest independent, community-based blood centers in the world. NYBC, along with its
operating divisions Community Blood Center collect approximately 4,000
units of blood products each day and serve local communities of more than 75 million people.
NYBC and its operating divisions also provide a wide array of transfusion-related medical services to over
500 hospitals nationally, including Comprehensive Cell
Solutions, the National Center for Blood Group Genomics, the National Cord Blood Program, and the
Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute, which — among other milestones — developed a practical screening
method for hepatitis B.
Our Region’s blood supply has never been lower.