Artist Safety Hosting – A discussion on practice. Thurs Sept 19 at 7PM at Goethe-Institut New York

Artist Safety Hosting: A Discussion on Practice
September 19, 2019, 7pm
The Goethe-Institut New York
30 Irving Place
New York, NY 10003

Please RSVP by sending an email with confirmation of your attendance to

We are pleased to present this event alongside our New York City Artist Safe Haven Residency Program coalition members, Residency Unlimited, Westbeth Artists Housing,, PEN America’s Artists at Risk Connection (ARC), and Fordham University. The coalition is grateful to the Goethe-Institut New York for partnering with us to host this event. More information about the event can be found HERE.

The event marks the launch and publication of a new user guide titled Artist Safety Hosting: A Guide to History, Ethics & Practice. Co-written by Artistic Freedom Initiative and, with support from our New York City Artist Safe Haven Residency Program coalition, the guide will be available digitally and in print.

The guide offers reflections on the history, ethics, and best practices of artist safety hosting in New York City and elsewhere, tracks the development of our coalition led residency program, and includes a section dedicated to legal assistance for at-risk artists. The launch and publication mark the graduation of our residency from prototype to program.

Featuring guest speakers and panelists including Tania Bruguera, Francis Greenburger, Laura Raicovich, Prerana Reddy, Todd Lanier Lester, Ashley Tucker, and Rashwan Abdelbaki – an artist-at-risk resident at Westbeth Artists Housing. Discussions at the event will address the evolution of “safe havens” and residency programs for threatened international artists. In dialogue with individuals across the worlds of arts, culture, philanthropy, and non-profits, we acknowledge those who have nurtured and supported the growing field of artist safety hosting at a political moment when it is more critical than ever.

Copies of the guide will be available at the event. Light refreshments will be served.

NYC Artist Safe Haven Residency Program is Expanding!
Piloted as part of the New York City Artist Safe Haven Residency Program, we have recently launched the Safe Haven Incubator for Musicians NYC in partnership with Tamizdat.

This is a customized three-month creative and professional residency and mentorship program for international musicians who are persecuted or censored for their work.

Our first resident is Iranian/Canadian musician and composer, King Raam – currently at Westbeth Artists Housing, who will develop a song cycle of biographical songs and spoken word pieces during his September-through-November residency.
Catch his upcoming performance with AFI on November 16th in Washington DC. More details to come!