I started out as an actress and a singer, appearing in clubs and performance art venues. I also sang in restaurants, offices, apartments, a townhouse, backstage at a Broadway theatre, the Essex Street Market, and a group therapy session, in fact all over Manhattan, for my gig as an Eastern Onion singing telegram messenger.
Sometime later, I earned a Ph.D. in Theatre from the CUNY Graduate Center. Degree in hand, I wrote a book about a very special theatre in northwest London, interweaving archival history and oral history to tell the story of the Tricycle Theatre.
I’ve gone on to a Westbeth oral history project, posting long-form interviews with Westbeth’s artists on our website under the rubric of Profiles in Art. And I’m the interviewer/writer on the Westbeth Icons video project, which celebrates our senior artists.

Book jacket for “Tales of the Tricycle Theatre”
Tales of the Tricycle Theatre at Bloomsbury.com
Westbeth: Profiles in Art
Westbeth: Westbeth Icons Project