Barry Temkin, Michael Moss with Madiline Yayodele Nelson (not shown) playing a free live acoustic set for residents in Community Room on Friday 2 Nov

Deb Travis, Vice President of Westbeth Artists Residents Council with other members assigning floor capitans to each floor to ensure safety, warmth and health of residents

Steve Neil, Exec Director of Westbeth, along with Matt Russas and Todd the Super at the daily 3 pm residents meeting where every challenge and every success in getting the building back into operation is discussed.

Erica Fae, Community Relations chair of Westbeth Artists Resdents Council making lists of residents who need donated electric blankers, heaters, help with voting,

The superb musician, Madeline Yayodele Nelson, with one of the donated heaters

Crispo, just one of our wonderful and kind maintenance and security staff, with donated heaters and water. Congressmen Nadler, State Senator Tom Duane and City Council President Christine Quinn have been amazing in getting food and water which has been of enormous help to our most fragile and elderly residents. President Quinn is also looking for temp boilers

Manager Shelly Staine and Karen Santy, sculptor, discussing when she can go into Sculptors Studio in basement and survey the damage to her lifetime's work.

Two residents who grew up in Westbeth, delivering meals to elderly.

Without water, residents carry water for drinking and for sanitary up many flights up stairs - all the way to 11th floor.