Can’t keep a good man down. Barry Temkin announced today he and his band will play an acoustic set on Friday Nov 2 at 6 pm in Community Room. Scroll below for info on Barry and his band. FREE.

Phone chargers have been delivered to Community Room. Electricians are expected to descend to the basement tomorrow to assess damage. As of now there is about 1 to 2′ of water but it is draining.

Mood is grim but resilient. Hallways are dark still, and some residents have managed to find housing elsewhere. The prognosis from management is that is may be a long while before Westbeth is operational.

They advise that those who can, should leave. However for those who stay , the superb staff is working night and day to ensure safety and comfort.

There was a barbecue in the courtyard today. And neighbors continue to check on each other, bringing water and food where necessary.

What we need most down here, and actually in the whole of the village is food vendors and food trucks.

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